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The Dmitriev Affair

96 min | Russian with English subtitles


Deep inside the Russian forests, against the wishes of the authorities, 60-year-old Yuri Dmitriev searches for mass graves from the era of Stalin’s terror against his own people - until one day he is arrested and sentenced to 15 years in a penal colony.

Following Yuri closely, the film paints a shocking picture of the way the Russian state rewrites history and treats its citizens.


Amirani Cinema, Documentary Association Georgia, Tbilisi
ASN World Convention, Columbia University, New York
UCLA | Luskon Center for History and Policy, Los Angeles
GoEast Film Festival, Wiesbaden
Cinema Zita Folkets, Stockholm
Davis Center at Harvard University, Cambridge
The Fletcher School at Tufts University, Medford
Boston University | Center for the study of Europe
Harriman Institute at Columbia University, NYC
Vienna Campus of Central European University
Thessaloniki IFF
Centrum Historii Zajezdnia, Wroclaw, Poland
Museum Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic
One World, Prague
Chamber of Deputies Cinema, Czech Republic
Cinema Anteo, award ceremony Gariwo Righteous Prize, Milan

This Human World, Vienna
Verzío FF, Budapest
Hunter University, New York
DOC NYC, New York
Dutch Film Festival, Utrecht
Krakow Film festival


Best Human Rights Film – Verzió FF, Budapest 2023
Nominee Grand Jury Prize – DOC NYC 2023
Golden Dragon Nominee – Krakow FF 2023
Nomination WATCH DOCS – Warschaw, 2023
Nomination Golden Calf for best Dutch Feature Documentary – NFF Utrecht 2023
Special Mention – ArtDocFest Riga 2024

Cinema release in The Netherlands – June 8, 2023

About the film

Every human being has the right to know where they came from and where their family lies buried. This unshakable conviction is what drives Yuri Dmitriev (1956), who never knew his own biological parents.

After years of searching the pine forests of northwestern Russia, he discovers a mass grave containing thousands of victims of Stalin’s “Great Purge” of 1937. Thanks to Yuri, their next of kin finally find out what happened to their lost relatives, who were secretly executed here in the 1930s and left behind in pits. Amid the trees where these executions took place, a place of remembrance comes into being where, after decades of swallowing their profound grief, the surviving relatives can finally give free rein to it.

Together with his 11-year-old foster daughter, Natasha, and his dog, Gresha, Yuri continues to search the forest, but the Russian authorities are increasingly intolerant of his work. On state television he is portrayed as someone tarnishing the country’s history. It does not surprise Yuri. “Why is all of this happening? Because we’re on the same road as before. And we know how this road ended.” Then one day, following an anonymous complaint, he is charged with taking pornographic pictures of his foster daughter. And arrested.

At the end of a long drawn-out and utterly erratic trial, Yuri, after shining a light on victims of repression for decades, is himself sent to a penal colony. He gets 15 years.

While we follow Yuri’s life, archive footage brings the Stalin era and the 1990s to life – not as past history, but as an unresolved trauma deeply influencing contemporary Russia.

Unexpectedly intimately, the filmmaker tells us a story we mainly know from afar: how a state rewrites history and what this means for its citizens.



Director of Photography: Sander Snoep
Additional Camera: Jessica Gorter, Sergei Markelov & Alexandra Ivanova
Sound Recordist: Mark Wessner
Editor: Katharina Wartena
Sound Design & Mix: Hugo Dijkstal
Colorist: John Terborg
Written by Jessica Gorter
Production & Research Russia: Oksana Maksimchuk
Line Producer: Elize Kerseboom
Director’s Advisor: Edlef Heeling
Commissioning Editor EODOCS: Margit Balogh
Producer: Frank van den Engel

June 2023
Zeppers Fim en TV

Distribution & world sales:
ZEPPERS FILM | +31(0)20 675 8594
Frank van den Engel |

Distribution in The Netherlands:          
MOKUM Filmdistributie | +31(0)6 2953 5043
Rieks Hadders |               

Press relations The Netherlands:                    
HERRIE Film & TV | +31(0)20 486 8212
Roos de Soete |



Director's Statement

Yuri, Jessica and Katja in 2018

The seed for the documentary The Dmitriev Affair was sown in May 2016, when I travelled to the Russian republic of Karelia to film Yuri Dmitriev as one of the seven protagonists of my film The Red Soul (2017). I was impressed with his work – searching for Stalin-era mass graves and retrieving the identities of those buried there. To date, Yuri has found the names of over 30,000 people who were executed and whose fate remained a mystery to their families for over 70 years. I also became fascinated by his single-mindedness and his charismatic personality.

When we said goodbye, Yuri told me he had the feeling the intelligence services were following him, but he hoped we would meet again anyway. He was rather matter-of-fact about it. ‘If they want to charge me, they will already have the case well-prepared,’ he said with a shrug. ‘In the meantime, I will just continue my work.’ Six months later he was arrested.

Two weeks after Yuri’s arrest in late 2016, there was a detailed news item on Russian national television. Watching it in the Netherlands, I was dismayed to see him portrayed as a criminal harming the country and the people, when in my view he should have been hailed on TV as someone helping the country and the people come to grips with the horrors of the Soviet past.

My films tend to explore the friction between history in its official version and the personal memories which are often very different. World history, in the end, is always about ordinary, real people. I want to understand the reasons why personal stories are so easily subordinated to the interests of a political goal, when it is precisely those small personal stories we need to gain a better understanding of each other and the world around us.

When I started on this film, I had no idea where it would take me. One thing I knew for certain – Yuri’s story must be told. In him, I recognized my own desire to bring to light what is being obscured, to fathom it and to record it to make sure it will not be lost.

It turned into a film I could never have imagined. Before my very eyes – and my camera lens – I saw the phenomenon known as “rewriting history” unfold: a citizen exposing a hidden part of history is himself erased from historiography.

Looking back at the past five years, I can conclude that Yuri’s life and fate are closely linked to the zeitgeist and developments in Russia over the past twenty years. I ended up making a film not just about Yuri and his work, but also about the mechanism of distorting and abusing the notion of “truth” by an institution only interested in self-preservation.

As I see it, each person, people or nation needs an honest depiction of the past in order to come to terms with past trauma. The Dmitriev Affair shows what denying occurrences and suppressing memories does to people. By doing so, it tells a bigger story about what is happening in Russia today.

Jessica Gorter, Amsterdam, April 2023